WAIDHOFER Group - The eXoCompany

The WAIDHOFER Group is a family-owned multi-industry company with a network of global businesses.  It was founded by Richard Waidhofer in 1998. Aerospace, Design & Engineering, Cyber Technologies with groundbreaking technologies represents the core competency. 

A Global Network of strong Brands makes Visions feasible: 

  • WDeXo Consulting® | Waidhofer DiNelly eXoConsulting
  • DiNelly | DiNelly Military- Air- Land- Sea- Systems
  • eXoFacility | eXoFacility - The Management Company
  • G!WORDS® | The Cyber Agency
  • LifestyleMe | The Lifestyle Agency
  • WAIDHOFER DESIGN | Design Bureau
  • eXoStore | Economic Elements

The WAIDHOFER Group - The eXoCompany

Since 2015, focused and spezialized on the BRICS+ countries and the MENA & ASEAN region. In 2023 the multiy-industry company WAIDHOFER Group are known in over 185 countries. The WAIDHOFER Group is a leading company in disruptive consutling, services and disruptive technologies as like as, innovations and beyond. 

The Waidhofers are conseidered successful pioneers of a disruptive management style. 

Brands | IP´s | Trademark´s

We make Visions Feasible

WAIDHOFER Group - a Network of global Brands

In the 21st Century, the Performance of global Brands no longer depends on the number of employees or political Networks

Soft- Hardware | GlobEx | InHouse Know-How | Human Performance | Quality | InTime | Decisiveness are major indicators

Management must distinguish hypes from mass trends and innovations to decide their feasibility

( Richard Waidhofer,  Founder WAIDHOFER Group )

   Company Profile  

Waidhofer launched

in 1998,
 Company founded by Richard Waidhofer

Equity Ratio

100% - The Company was financed with cash flow


Waidhofer, DiNelly, WDeXo, eXoCompany, eXofacility, GWORDS, LifestyleMe,eXoStore, ate the main brands, over 50 other brands 
are in the WAIDHOFER Group

Business Licenses

on 4 Continents
> 35 Business Licenses in diffrent Areas
Defense | Aviation | Air- Land- Sea- Craft Manufacturer

Core Competence

Design | Engineering | Consulting | Disruptive Technologies | Aerospace | Disruptive Management | Aerial Sensing | Defense Sector | IT- Software | Marketing

Debt Ratio | Subsidies

0% | $ 0,00

Markets ( > 2024 The Gateway to Europe )

  • Mena Region
  • BRICS+ States
  • ASEAN Region

Digital Transformation

  • ERP 2.0 | PM | CAD | FEM | eComemrce 2.0 | IR 5.0 Readiness
  • CDO part of Management since 2014 | Management Cyber Readiness
  • Cyber Resilience eXoCloud System & Secure communication integrated

Our powerful global Brands in a pioneering Group

  • Consulting | Projects
  • Engineering | Design | R&D
  • GOV | IGO | NGO | Consulting
  • Defense | Crisis | Disasters
  • IM- Export | Trading
  • Feasible Visions
  • DiNelly Aerosystems
  • DiNelly Military | GOV
  • DiNelly Air- Systems
  • DiNelly Land- Systems
  • DiNelly Sea- Systems
  • DiNelly Distribution
  • Facility Managment
  • Services | Maintenance
  • Logistics | Assistance
  • Office | Administration
  • Energy | Media- IT | IoT
  • Security | Protection
  • Grafic- Design | Motion
  • Web Hosting | Email Hosting
  • Websites | Landings Pages
  • Responsive- Mobile Devices
  • SEO | SEM | SERM | SEA 
  • Cyber- Security | Firewalls
  • WSports
  • Music | Records
  • Adventure
  • Events | Clubs
  • Art | Artists
  • LifestyleMe
  • Industrial Design​
  • Communication Design​
  • Digital Design​
  • Service Design​
  • Universal Design​
  • Design Management​

A Network of Global Companies for a disruptive Multi-Industry Company


Redefening Business by Design
​(Richard Waidhofer, CDO - Chief Design Officer of WAIDHOFER DESIGN®)

Milestones by WAIDHOFER - Beyond sustainable Results

Our disruptive Milestones to make our Visions and the WAIDHOFER Group Feasible

Living outside the Comfort Zone for one goal. Building a leading multi-industry company as a family business within 25 years. 

Click for Details | More Info

Milestones are part of our History

Our Core Values - for Disruptive Performance

Our Style

  • Disruptive Managment
  • Innovation Leadership
  • Diversity Risk Managment


Our Mission

  • Innovation Leadership
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Research & Development


Our Slogans

  • Make visions feasable
  • We upgrade your live
  • We change lifestyles


Our Principles

  • Human Performance
  • Feasability
  • Responsibility


Our Drive

  • Stand above it.
  • Stand above from the crowd.
  • Standing for higher things & achieving them. 

 We make Visions feasible -  The WAIDHOFER Group

 We are Professionals with decades of experience in BRICS & MENA Region.
Our Limits are our Know-How.  -  We have not Limits.

We are Pioneers of disruptive Management. 

Country-know brand
VTOL-Gyro MMP Engineering
> 1.500

Here are some of our most famous references worldwide

We realize Visions - The Horizon is not the Limit

Newsletter subscription

Always at the right front ahead

Subscribe to our email Newsletter here.  - Be informed.

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Safety First - For us, this doesn`t just apply to aviation